This week, I'm also going to post the stat blocks for the creatures detailed over the past month, since I did receive an inquiry about these. As these game statistics are based on OpenD6, they will fall within the OGL, so please feel free to use them in your home game. If you would like to republish them, please contact me first - I don't have any objections to this, but I would like to know where and how the content I've generated in the past is going to be applied.
Please enjoy the following details, as we take a break from our usual, fluff-heavy episode format. We'll be back in the usual style next week, where we're going to start a series on the most prominent organizations and secret societies to be found in the world of AEthrem. This will carry us through the end of the year, when we'll start preparing for the launch of the core book in 2016!
Moon Wolf
Reflexes 3D
Brawling 5D
Dodge 6D
Coordination 3D
Physique 4D
Running 6D
Knowledge 1D
Perception 3D
Search 4D
Search – Tracking 10D
Presence 3D
Intimidation 6D
Willpower 6D
Strength Damage 2D
Move 12
Special Abilities:
Dragging Grapple – Moon wolves’ preferred method of attack
is to latch on to a target with their vice-like jaws, then drag them away from
their allies at a full run. Treat this as a grappling Brawling attack. The wolf may move as normal during this grapple, but her full Move is
reduced by a number of meters equal to the total rolled by her target in her
last attempt to escape the grapple. Two or more wolves may participate in a
single grapple, negating five meters of this Move penalty for every wolf after
the first – each participant must succeed at their own Brawling check. This
grapple inflicts Strength Damage +2D (for a total of 4D) due to the wolves’ fangs and
objects being struck by the victim as they are drug through the wilderness. For
each additional wolf participating in a grapple, add +1D to its Damage.
Hypnotic Stare – The silver eyes of a moon wolf have a
captivating effect on other creatures, an ability usually employed by a pack’s
spotter. To initiate a hypnotic stare, a moon wolf makes an Intimidation check,
and all creatures looking in its direction must make a Willpower check at a
difficulty equal to the result of this Intimidation check. Any creature that
does not succeed in this check is unable to do anything but stare at the wolf
for a full round. At the start of every round, those enthralled by this ability
may attempt another Willpower check against the original Intimidation check
result to act normally. This effect ends automatically if those captivated or
their comrades are attacked.
Reflexes 4D
Brawling 6D
Coordination 2D
Throwing 6D
Physique 5D
Lifting 7D
Stamina 6D
Swimming 8D
Knowledge 1D
Perception 2D
Search 3D
Presence 2D
Intimidation 5D
Strength Damage 4D
Move 25
Special Abilities:
Chitinous Body – Armor Value +1D (The creature’s tentacles
do not benefit from this armor, but injuring a tentacle does not affect the
creature as a whole – a Wounded or worse result against a tentacle instead
disables that limb for several days.)
Large Size – Scale 18
Mandible Bite – After pulling prey in with its tentacles
(see the Tentacle Grappling ability, below), the pagren holds it in one of its
two large pincers biting it into smaller pieces with its huge mandibles to
feed. Each pincer can hold only one human-sized victim, but the creature may
bite at both in the same round. Treat this as a grappling Brawling attack, causing Damage +1D (for a total of 5D) every round. If a victim
reaches Incapacitated or worse, the pagren consumes them whole the following
Tentacle Grappling – The pagren uses its eight tentacles to
grab prey to bring to its mandibles, often grasping several creatures at once.
Treat this as a grappling Brawling attack, inflicting the
pagren’s base Strength Damage (4D) only. If a victim is unable to break free on
the round immediately after a successful grapple in this way, the pagren
transfers her to one of the claws around its mandibles (see the Mandible Bite
ability, above) if there is one available. If not, it will continue grappling
and inflicting its base Strength Damage until claws becomes available.
Smashing Strike – Against opponents (or vessels) larger than
Scale 8, a pagren will attack first by flailing its tentacles about like
titanic clubs in an attempt to render its foe unconscious or break vessels into
smaller pieces. This is a normal Brawling attack, causing Damage +3D (7D
Water Jets – Each of a pagren’s tentacles can fire a
pressurized jet of water from its tip as a Throwing attack, with a Range of
3-10/20/30. Anything hit by one of these blasts suffers 3D Damage (modified by
scale as normal), and may not use any Armor Value in its damage resistance
check. The target may not suffer any Wound Level worse than Stunned from this
attack. Instead, for every five result points (rounding up) on this damage
check, the target is knocked back one meter away from the firing tentacle.
After firing, a tentacle must take an action while immersed in water to refill its internal
Rictus Spider
Reflexes 4D+1
Agility 4D+2
Brawling 5D
Dodge 4D+2
Sneak 5D
Coordination 2D
Throwing – Webbing 4D
Physique 3D+1
Running 4D
Knowledge 1D
Perception 3D
Concealment 3D+1
Search 4D
Presence 1D
Intimidation 3D
Willpower 2D+2
Strength Damage 2D
Move 10
Special Abilities:
Addictive Venom – The venom of a rictus spider is paralytic
and causes a sense of euphoria for higher lifeforms. After being bitten (see
the Biting Attack ability, below) the victim must succeed at a Very Hard (25)
Stamina check or suffer a -2D penalty on all actions for the remainder of the
scene from this effect. This experience is highly addictive, and any creature
that has not resisted the spider’s venom after a bite must make Moderate (15)
Willpower check one week after the effect wears off. They receive a -1 penalty
on this check for every previous dose of venom (one per bite) they have
received, and those that fail immediately seek out the spider (or another, if
it is unavailable). Those that succeed at this check have resisted their
addiction for now, but must attempt the same check after every week – if they
succeed for three consecutive weeks, they no longer experience this effect
(until bitten again).
Armored Carapace – Armor Value +1D
Biting Attack – Rictus spiders have tiny fangs that they use
to inject their venom and leave their prey helpless (the spiders hold prey
captive in a web and consume them after death). A bite from these fangs is a
Brawling attack, causing Damage +2 (2D+2 total). If the victim suffers a
Stunned Wound Level or worse from this attack, they receive a dose of the
spider’s venom (see the Addictive Venom ability, above).
Ensnaring Web – Creatures moving into the web of a rictus
spider are held fast by its natural adhesiveness. They may attempt to break
free with an action by making a Lifting check at a Moderate (15) difficulty.
Rictus spiders usually conceal their webs with local plants and debris (using
their Concealment skill) to disguise them so that prey wander into a web
unaware of its presence. The spiders may also aim their webbing at a target
with a Throwing attack. Webbing causes no damage itself, and has a Range of
3-5/10/15. On a successful attack, the target is bound to the ground or a
nearby object by a glob of webbing, requiring the usual Lifting check to break
Large Size – Scale 3
Spitting Crocodile
Reflexes 1D+2
Brawling 6D
Dodge 3D+1
Sneak 4D+2
Coordination 1D
Throwing – Spit 4D
Physique 4D+2
Lifting 6D
Swimming 7D
Knowledge 1D
Perception 1D
Search 4D
Presence 1D
Intimidation 4D
Willpower 3D+2
Strength Damage 3D
Move 10 (Crawling) / 15 (Swimming)
Special Abilities:
Acidic Spit – As it approaches prey or any threat, a
spitting crocodile will first attack with its acidic spittle. This is a
Throwing attack with a Range of 3-5/10/15. On a successful strike, the target
immediately suffers 4D damage, and additional damage at the start of the following two
subsequent rounds. If a complication occurs on the first damage resistance
check against an acidic spit attack, the target has temporarily blinded –
vision will return about 24 hours after flushing her eyes with clean water. A
spitting crocodile only has enough reserves of acid for six of these attacks
without resting for several hours.
Biting Grab – Spitting crocodiles close in on their prey for
the kill, snaring them in powerful jaws. This is a grappling Brawling attack, inflicting Damage +2D (5D total). Once its prey has been
grappled, the crocodile will try to pull it underwater and drown it as quickly
as possible.
Scaly Hide – Armor Value +2
Venture! Thrilling Adventures in the World of AEthrem and its associated characters are the property of Weird Science Games, LLC, Copyright 2015.
West End Games, OpenD6, and The D6 system are trademarks and properties of Purgatory Publishing Inc.
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